This is how we work based on the recommendations and directives that come from both the Government and the Public Health Agency
We protect our own and your guests safety and follow the public health authorities recommendations and guidelines, which are constantly being updated
(read more at www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se).
Right now, there are no restrictions in Sweden that affect us as a hotel.
We have great opportunities for our guests to stay outdoors and enjoy both food and drinks on our lovely terrace overlooking the Södra Årefjällen with Välliste in the center. We also have a lot of space in our beautiful garden, and the opportunity to be completely private on your own balcony that several of our rooms have. We have also opened up both the salon and the second floor to spread out our guests a little bit more and we are careful with the recommended distance.
Best wishes from all of us at hotel Åre Fjällsätra